Home » Objective
  1. Spreading Education
  2. Formation of Ideal children
  3. Awareness generation in people through education
  4. Publicity of Hindi, Sanskrit and urdu language
  5. To open educational institutes in different places
  6. Organizing social and economical programs for welfare of women’s and children’s
  7. Functioning activities related to environment and pollution
  8. Functioning projects related to Health, medical and family welfare
  9. Functioning activities related to art and culture
  10. To provide training to youth, women’s and children in different program
  11. Functioning program related to rural development
  12. To receive credit or loan from outsider agencies for making self help group self dependent
  13. To establish network with small organization and help them to come forward
  14. To provide help in the work of disaster management
  15. To open college(ITI, Polytechnic) for encouraging technical and business education
  16. To open college to encouraging higher (BSTC, Bed.) education
  17. No profit in above objectives

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