Our Partners & Funding-Over the last 20 years of its existence, SSSR has worked on different developmental projects focusing on livelihoods, women empowerment, education, heath, and PRIs, with the support and partnership of agencies like-
- NEG-Fire New Delhi
- Indo Global Social Service Society, New Delhi
- The Hans Foundation, New Delhi
- Child line India Foundation, Mumbai
- Sir Dorabhji Tata Trust (SDTT Mumbai)
- Save the Children, Jaipur
- United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
- Population Fund of India New Delhi (PFI)
- Churches Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
- Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- Population Service International (PSI)
- Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society (RSACS)
- Population Concern International (PCI)
- Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) Jaipur
- RVHA (Rajasthan Voluntary Health Association, Jaipur)
- Association for Rural Advancement through Voluntary Action and Local Involvement (ARAVALI), Jaipur.
- Empower- The Emerging Markets Foundation Limited UK/US
- Rural India Support Trust (RIST) USA
- UJAALA Milk Producer Com. Pvt. Ltd.
- RMSI Pvt. Ltd New Delhi
- CSR Initiative : Aditya, Isthmus & Beta, New Delhi